My husband eyed the ivory colored prefolds that I was folding. You could see the puzzled look in his eyes. He finally asked "Is that really a diaper?". I laugh thinking about it, but my mom used prefolds on some of my siblings so it isn't something that is totally outlandish to me. My husband on the other hand had never seen a prefold before. All he could see was a puffy piece of cloth that looked nothing like a diaper to him.
Prefolds are the cheapest option for cloth diapering. They are also the ones that bring about the most fear. A rectangle of cloth somehow magically gets tied on the baby and becomes a diaper. The faint at heart would probably reject the idea right there.
If that is you, wait!
It really isn't a big deal.
They really are so easy. Some might argue they are the easiest way to go. I can change a diaper in about 1 minute using a prefold. A disposable takes me about 45 seconds. Not really a big difference. It just takes 3 special steps (Thank you Paw Pilot :-) )
1. Fold the prefold
2. Place Prefold under baby
3. Use a Snappi or other fastening device
So in case you are still dubious, let me lay out the benefits of prefolds. Let's look at the cost comparison for a newborn using the most cost effective diapering options using the following assumptions.
- Baby was born at 6 lbs
- Gains 1/2 lb a week
- You change 16 diapers per day/night for the first 10 days and 10 diapers per day and night thereafter.
Using the cheapest diapering option which is Parent's Choice (Walmart Brand) you can expect to spend $174.70 in diapers over the first four months of life. This covers the baby from newborn to 16 pounds. The following purchases would have been made:
- 2 boxes of 40 Newborn Diapers
- 840 Size 1 Diapers
- 560 Size 2 Diapers
- 6 Tiny Tuckable Covers from Assunta at 5.99 each
- 36 Newborn Cotton Prefolds from Diaper Rite
- 25 Small Cotton Prefolds from Diaper Rite
- 2 Size 1 Snappis from Diaper Rite
So take a look at prefolds....they really are pretty cool and easy!
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