My mom used to say we needed sun to grow as she shooed us out the door to go play. She didn't need any sun apparently because she was already grown (nice mom real nice). The magical Sun is what grows our, food, runs the tides heats our ocean, and whitens our dipers....stop...what?
You becha! The sun can make what looks to be a ruined diaper with stain not even bleach can take out and make it look brand new. You doubt? Well look at my icky diaper that I currently have.
Now look at it after it just one hour in the sun.
Just Magical.
So now before you ran and just toss out all your ugly diapers in the sun, WAIT let me tell you how to do it.
First you need to wash your diapers as usual and then take them still wet outside and lay them flat exposing the stained side to the sun. Check on them periodically and when the stain are gone just finish drying them in the dryer if they are not all the way dry. So easy!
Do you have some stained diapers? How well did sunning work for you?
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