Wednesday, June 24, 2015

About Me

Hi!  My name is Christina and I am a stay at home mama of two precious kids.  My oldest is a toddler and my newest baby is just a few weeks old.  My husband and I have been married for 5 years and we love spending time with our kids and eating good food (who doesn't right?).

When we found out we were expecting our first we were so excited as we began to research about what types of products we would be using with our new addition.  As we researched, we began to be more and more concerned about what products are used in most commercial diapers.  After much thought, we decided to take the plunge and we ordered 20 Fuzzibunz Elite cloth diapers.  We decided to cloth diaper during the day and disposable diaper at night using an organic diaper.

We chose to use Huggies Pure and Natural diapers since they use organic cotton.  You crunchy moms are probably laughing now since you guys know that the diapers actually only use organic on THE OUTSIDE of the diaper.  The inside is actually just like a regular Huggies.  I didn't figure that out for MONTHS.  We were trying though and eventually we switched to Touch of Cloth by 7th Generation which we still use at night since we aren't quite night trained yet.  As we got towards the end of our cloth diapering with our toddler he started to outgrow our one size diapers so we started to try other systems with more absorbency.

Now that we have a new baby we are trying new products to see what works!  So far we are loving our prefold and cover routine with a few newborn all in ones.  As we grow into one size diapers, I am super excited to try out our bamboo AI2!

I hope to share with you our journey to finding products that work for our lifestyle and are natural and safe for our little ones!

One day I dream of opening my own cloth diaper store that shows real pictures of babies of different sizes and ages in each of the products I carry.  It is so difficult to purchase cloth diapers without being able to see them on real babies!

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